The Big 5 exhibition held last month in the World Trade Centre Exhibition Halls was a resounding success for Oasis Coils & Coatings after a change of tactics paid huge dividends.
Oasis Coils & Coatings has been a regular at the Big 5 over the past few years, but this time major changes to its approach led to even greater response from existing and potential clients.
“We decided on an open plan stand this time around, with enough space for people to come inside” said Pramodh Idicheria, Divisional Manager.
“We also had a mezzanine level built where we could hold meetings with customers and suppliers. And, we decided to concentrate on displaying only a few of our products, rather than the whole range.”
Oasis Coils & Coatings had a quarter of the stand dedicated to ALP and then concentrated the remainder of their display on just four products – Weicco pipe supports and vibration isolator; Mobius closed cell elastomeric insulation; Twin City fans and blowers and BPS Clima chilled water fan coil units.
Pramodh added: “Most of the major consultants and contractors in the HVAC industry came to our stand, and we had the opportunity to explain to the about the various developments and also about the product range we have.”
For Oasis Coils it was the first time they had exhibited, but Paul Williams, General Manager, was delighted with the response.
He said: “We received a number of good leads from Europe, the UK and East Africa and overall we were pleased with the response.
“We also attended the big five-day exhibition IKK in Nuremburg, Germany, were we also received plenty of coverage and prospective leads. Attending these exhibitions is in the line with our policy of targeting European exporters and original equipment manufacturers as potential clients.”
Roshan Roy, Manager Oasis Coils & Coatings PID was also pleased with the customer response at the Big 5 exhibition for his section.
He said: “The Big 5 show turned out to be the perfect venue for us to market and promote ALP Technology by plat-forming our products and utilising the prospects to bolster our relationships with clients, customers and consultants.”